Core Values


Core Value of Business



Core values are the basic convictions of an organization. These guiding  Core values also assist companies to determine if they are on the right path and achieving their objectives by creating an unwavering guide. 

Some of the major core values of the business are:

·       Adaptability

·       Accountability

·       Aggressive

·       Attention to detail

·       Capability

·       Collaborative

·       Competitive

·       Continuous improvement

·       Craftsmanship

·       Dominance

·       Customer-focused

·       Efficiency

·       Ethical

·       Excellence

·       Expertise

·       Fairness

·       Flexibility

·       High performance

·       Innovation

·       Market leader

·       Ownership

·       Responsive

·       Quality

·       Service

·       Transparency

Core value can be a Togetherness, Cost-consciousness, Simplicity.


Togetherness means a state of being close to another person or other people.


Cost-consciousness means trying to use less cost to create a more valuable product.


Simplicity is the state or quality of being simple.


Using IKEA as an example, IKEA is a Swedish company, which is known for its modernist designs for various types of appliances and furniture, and its interior design work is often associated with an Eco-friendly simplicity.


One of the 8 IKEA Key Values is Togetherness

Togetherness is at the heart of IKEA culture. We are strongest when we trust each other, pull in the same direction and have fun together.

Another core value is Cost-consciousness. IKEA thinks as many people as possible should be able to afford a beautiful and functional home. We constantly challenge ourselves and others to make more from less without compromising on quality.


IKEA also put Simplicity as one of the core values,  the organization say “A simple, straightforward and down-to-earth way of being is part of our Smålandic heritage. It is about being ourselves and staying close to reality. We are informal, pragmatic and see bureaucracy as our biggest enemy.


Quality is one of the major core values of any business. For instance, every business try to  provide the best products and unsurpassed service which combinely avail premium value to the customer. 


Diversity is also another core value of any organization. It incorporates  the interrelated facets  of a person with respect to  age, race, ethnicity, religion, ability, nationality, citizenship, socioeconomic status, and gender. Diversity helps any organization  to be more effective, successful, and profitable.


Time management is crucial for an organization to achieve a goal. Setting realistic and achievable goals by team members will help to stay  organization motivated. For instance: Organizations should make a draft of their goal based on Work on long, medium and short-term goals.   



There are various benefits of Core Values:

A company’s core values are the principles that guide everything they do. Core values can: Distinguish a Company’s Identity. Improve Recruiting and Retention. Influence employees Behavior. Help in Decision-Making Processes. Shape Organizational Culture. Contribute to the Overall Success of a Company.




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