Transferable Skills and Your Next Job


What are Transferable Skills?

Transferable skills are skills and/or knowledge that you learn and develop in one situation that can then be used and applied in another is the things you learn throughout your life. You may develop these skills at social functions, in the classroom, while playing sports, or at that job that you hated. They are ‘portable skills’. This kind of skills may be used in a variety of roles or occupations. Examples include communication, problem-solving and self-control.


Why Transferable Skills is important?

The great thing about transferable skills is that you already have them. Therefore the more relevant skills that you have, the more likely you will be to land the job. Transferable skills can highlight your potential to be an asset to a company.Transferable skills are skills and abilities that are relevant and helpful across different areas of life: socially, professionally and at school.

  • Transferable Skills Make You Adaptable – Versatility is the name of the game in the job market. Employers want people who can do multiple things and fill different roles if needed. When you have skills that apply to a wide variety of things, employers will take note.
  • You Already Have Transferable Skills – You learn transferable skills everywhere – at life, at home, or at work. The cumulative experiences that you have will dictate what transferable skills you possess. No matter what you do or where you do it, you have skills. As long as you can figure out how to sell your skills to a hiring manager, you’ll be in a good position.
  • Transferable Skills Are Yours To Keep – You are constantly accumulating transferable skills and no one can take them away from you. These portable skills go with you from job to job. Take account of your skill set and you’ll see how you can apply it to your job search.
  • You Can Use Transferable Skills To Land A Job – Employers want job candidates to have experience and skills before they hire them. Transferable skills are a way for you to show that you can do the job, even if you aren’t the perfect match of the job description. Therefore the more relevant skills that you have, the more likely you will be to land the job. Transferable skills can highlight your potential to be an asset to a company.



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